
 Megan Janett

January 24, 2023


Here is an expanding mushroom!! It took a while to figure out but overall I think it was a successful animation. I had to restart a few times as I could not figure out how to make the dome on top in grasshopper. After following a tutorial I was able to figure out how to make it and animate it. The last issue I had was making it look realistic and adding a mushroom pattern to the top part. I had to stick with just the plain red.

Here is a screenshot of the grasshopper file. It took a while to figure out how to connect all the sliders together while maintaining the proportions.

To be honest, this assignment was a challenge. It made sense in the 2D world when it was explained in class, but as soon as I began messing with it in the 3D world things got confusing. I began with a simple shape and managed to get that to do what I wanted. But my goal is to make a mushroom that squishes down and then reverts back to its original size. Ive figured out the stem part and am now trying to attach the top of the mushroom and get it to do the same thing. I am continuing to work on it and problem solve through it. Here is my process so far, I will continue to update the blog as I figure the next steps out.

My first struggle was getting the three different circles that made the base of the mushroom to flatten while keeping the same ratios compared to the other two. I am not working on getting the cone shape to do the same thing. And then figuring out how to connect it all to the same slider to complete the animation. I think I am heading in the right direction though as the commands and what they do are starting to make more sense.

Here is the after photo.


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